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ITAC lauches anti dumping investigation on wheelbarrows

On 20 June 2014 the International Trade Administration of South Africa (ITAC) initiated an anti-dumping investigation on wheelbarrows imported from the People's Republic of China.

The initiation is of significance as the initial anti-dumping duty calculated is 505,33%. If imposed as such, it would constitute South Africa's highest anti-dumping duty thus far. Secondly the initiation of the investigation relies on the much criticised Record of understanding between South African and the People's Republic of China. For the calculation of the normal value ITAC did not rely on the normal sales price in China, but relied on the sales price of a manufacturer in Zimbabwe.

The initiation notice may be downloaded here. Interested parties have 30 days as from 20 June 2014 to reply in full to the investigation. For any assistance, kindly contact Rian Geldenhuys.

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