Level 4 Lockdown Regulations Webinar Discussion with British Chamber
On Thursday 30 April 2020, the British Chamber of Business hosted a webinar on Level 4 of South Africa's Covid-19 lockdown, entitled "Smokes, sushi and curfew - plotting the route out of lockdown". Trade Law Chambers participated as a panelist in addressing the current regulations.
The webinar unpacked the level 4 regulations around the themes of:
• Which goods/services are allowed to be sold? What will those sectors need in order to operate?
• What businesses will still be under restrictions?
• Employee movement - who can travel and how?
• Legal implications of Level 4 - eg contractual obligations
• Trade - import / export implications
To relisten to the conversation between British Chamber President, Leon Ayo, Trade Law Chambers CEO, Rian Geldenhuys and Prosperity Counsellor at the British High Commisison, Nick Latta, kindly click here.
© Trade Law Chambers 2020